The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Galatians, Gospel Indicatives, and Gospel Imperatives

At last week’s 9Marks @Southeastern conference, our conference host and seminary president Dr. Danny Akin delivered an overview sermon on the entire book of Galatians.  Get this: the sermon had two major divisions with 42 subpoints!  Don’t try this at home kids!

Essentially, Akin walked us through the book of Galatians commenting on the 29 indicative statements Paul makes about the gospel and the 13 imperatives that flow from them.  If you’ve been following the blog discussion of the relationship between indicatives and imperatives then you might be interested in this talk and the panel that followed.  Akin makes it plain that out of the “done” (indicatives) there flows a “do” (imperatives).

For those that are curious, here are the 29 gospel indicatives and 13 gospel imperatives Akin highlighted:

29 Indicatives
1. The gospel is rooted in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:1).

2. The gospel delivers us from the present evil age to the glory of Christ (1:3-5).

3. There is only one gospel and to desert it is to be damned (1:6-9).

4. The gospel is ours by divine revelation and not human imagination (1:10-12).

5. The gospel is grounded in a gracious election (1:15).

6. The gospel is constantly in danger of being lost and needs to be defended (2:4-5).

7. The gospel that saves Gentiles is the same gospel that saves Jews (2:7-9).

8. There are ethical imperatives that follow the gospel (2:11) and no ethnic distinctions in the gospel (2:12-14).

9. The gospel is good news that we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ and not by works of the Law (2:15-16).

10. Through the gospel, we are identified with Christ and His work on the cross (2:20).   Read the all HERE

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