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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Two Curious IFB reactions to the Schaap Fiasco

I've been waiting to see what some of the IFB reactions would be to the recent Jack Schaap tragedy and two prominent IFB pastors have written their thoughts on the recent events. Both said some things that I took notice of. Bob Gray, the former pastor of Longview Baptist Temple has been a long time loyal disciple of Jack Hyles and Paul Chappell of Lancaster Baptist Church who has over the years kept a distance from Jack Hyles, yet often refers to him in his preaching with terms of endearment. One, Bob Gray who is the most staunchest of Hyles supporters has publically separated himself from his successor's ministry while the other, Paul Chappell, did so very quietly.

Bob Gray said recently on his blog:

 "May I say David Gibbs is also responsible? Why did he not, with his depth of wisdom, pick up the phone and call Jack Schaap and say, "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?" We out here did! But, then again look what happened to us? We were exiled to the Isle of Patmos!...Why applaud those who did absolutely nothing to stop what Jack Schaap was doing to the church, schools, the college, and independent Baptist churches for these past 11 years...Why not call for the men of the church to come to the altar to start the service with confession and repentance rather than joking about the deacons in attendance as well as the churches attendance? This is no light hearted moment for you! Will there be a "cleaning" of the house or a real "cleansing" of the house. The truth is, it is the responsibility of the membership to ask for an outside man of God to come in and do a thorough "cleansing."

 Bob Gray is partly right, there has been a lot of false teaching that has been allowed to go on and the church needs a total overhaul of all that it has allowed over the years. I think that Gray is totally out to lunch by blaming Schaap's moral failure on his beliefs on the KJV which is totally ridiculous!  Continue at Reforming Baptist

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