The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

5 Essential Elements for Pulpit Preaching

If I had gone to a homiletic class to learn to preach, I might actually preach more eloquently, however, I would probably rely upon my knowledge of how to preach well, rather than leaning upon the effectual work of the Holy Spirit through those means. That’s just me. Please don’t misunderstand. I would not, by any means, dissuade anyone from attending a homiletic class to learn to preach better. If you have the wherewithal to attend a homiletic course, then by all means, do so. If you don’t have the means financially to attend a homiletic course, this bit of advice may be helpful to you whenever you preach the gospel in the pulpit of a local church.

1. Approach God’s Word to be preached in humility.

There is only one Prophet who has ever preached God’s Word with impeccable verity: Jesus Christ, the Righteous. The very best of our proclamations are so filled with the corruptions of flesh that we will all fall short of the glory of God. The preaching of Christ’s glorious gospel requires all of grace from start to finish. Recorded in John 5:39, Jesus said,
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Jesus Christ is infinite and eternal God as well as the incarnate, crucified, risen and exalted Son of Man. If all the scriptures are about Him, and He is infinite, eternal, and all glorious, the best of all the most eloquent sermons preached, teached, speeched, and screeched by redeemed men will never fully express Christ and Him crucified. It is eternal truth. We must humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift us nearer Himself to be further humbled in His majesty. Ever endeavor to approach the pulpit with godly fear and trembling.  Continue at Justification By Grace

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