Can we be anecdotal for a few moments? To be clear, TGC and the women
represented in this article believe what they believe about marriage
not primarily because of experience but fundamentally because of God's
Word. But I've been impressed lately by a host of strong, gifted married
women who actually, joyfully, and productively give witness to the
beauty of Scripture's pattern for marriage---headship and submission and
Complementarians often hear that women's gifts are being ignored or
unused. Certainly in some cases this is true. However, in an effort to
soften or eliminate biblical distinctions between women and men, women's
hardships are too often blamed on those distinctions rather than on
sinful human hearts that---whether they lean toward complementarianism
or egalitarianism---so easily pursue selfish gain rather than the
other's good. Might it be possible that the gospel lived out in marriage
can by God's grace restore to the headship and submission of husbands
and wives their rightful, Christ-reflecting beauty?
The following words from women are not proofs but glimpses of such
grace. The focus here is limited, as we peer briefly into the lives of a
few married women---acknowledging that such stories of grace, strength,
and productivity emerge from all kinds of lives, married or not. But
marriage has been on our cultural minds lately, in many ways, not just
in the church. All the forces battering this institution have actually
brought it vividly onto the public stage for a hearing. Because of these
cultural battles, but especially because of the way the Bible talks
about it, marriage is a crucial subject for all of us no matter what our
relational status. Keep Reading >>>
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