A shift has taken place in the Evangelical church with regard to the
way we think about the gospel and it’s far from simply an ivory tower
conversation. This shift effects us on the ground of everyday life.
In his book Paul: An Outline of His Theology,
famed Dutch Theologian Herman Ridderbos (1909 – 2007) summarizes this
shift which took place following Calvin and Luther. It was a sizable
but subtle shift which turned the focus of salvation from Christ’s
external accomplishment to our internal appropriation:
While in Calvin and Luther all the emphasis fell on the redemptive event that took place with Christ’s death and resurrection, later under the influence of pietism, mysticism and moralism, the emphasis shifted to the individual appropriation of the salvation given in Christ and to it’s mystical and moral effect in the life of the believer. Accordingly, in the history of the interpretation of the epistles of Paul the center of gravity shifted more and more from the forensic to the pneumatic and ethical aspects of his preaching, and there arose an entirely different conception of the structures that lay at the foundation of Paul’s preaching.
Donald Bloesch made a similar observation when he wrote, “Among the
Evangelicals, it is not the justification of the ungodly (which formed
the basic motif in the Reformation) but the sanctification of the
righteous that is given the most attention.” Keep Reading...
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