George Whitefield (1714-1770)
“To the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness” ― Romans 4:5
George Whitfield,
Are any of you depending upon a
righteousness of your own? Do any of you here, think to save yourselves
by your own doings? I say to you…your righteousness shall perish with
you. Poor miserable creatures! What is there in your tears? What in your
prayers? What in your performances, to appease the wrath of an angry
God? Away from the trees of the garden; come, ye guilty wretches, come
as poor, lost, undone, and wretched creatures, and accept of a better
righteousness than your own. As I said before, so I tell you again, the
righteousness of Jesus Christ is an everlasting righteousness: it is
wrought out for the very chief of sinners. Ho, every one that thirsteth,
let him come and drink of this water of life freely. Are any of you
wounded by sin? Do any of you feel you have no righteousness of your
own? Are any of you perishing for hunger? Are any of you afraid ye will
perish forever? Come, dear souls, in all your rags; come, thou poor man;
come, thou poor, distressed woman; you, who think God will never
forgive you, and that your sins are too great to be forgiven; come, thou
doubting creature, who art afraid thou wilt never get comfort; arise,
take comfort, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, the Lord of
glory, calls for thee: through his righteousness there is hope for the
chief of sinners, for the worst of creatures. What if thou hadst
committed all the sins in the world? What if thou hadst committed the
sins of a thousand, what if thou hadst committed the sins of a million
of worlds? Christ’s righteousness will cover, the blood of the Lord
Jesus Christ will cleanse, thee from the guilt of them all. O let not
one poor soul stand at a distance from the Savior. My dear friends,
could my voice hold out, was my strength equal to my will, I would
wrestle with you; I would strive with arguments, till you came and
washed in this blood of the Lamb; till you came and accepted of this
everlasting righteousness. Keep Reading>>>
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