The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yes, How Dare You Compare Abortion to Slavery?!

I love the way the internet helps you get around the world in minutes.  For example, my man Zach links to a news and views round-up by Trevin Wax which links to an opinion piece by Bryan Kemper over at called “Responding to: How Dare You Compare Abortion to the Holocaust or Slavery.”  That’s around the world in about 8 seconds!  Or at least around the evangelical blogger world in 8 seconds.
Information and opinions travel quickly on the internet.  And that means we’re prone to gathering and absorbing views and opinions with far too much speed to carefully consider alternatives.  I’d like to offer one to Mr. Kemper’s piece.
You see, I’m firmly pro-life and anti-abortion.  And I’m also one of those persons who responds, “How dare you compare abortion to slavery?!”  You can read an earlier post on this issue here.  But here’s what I’d like to add as friendly fire to a soldier in a war I care about, who does not appear to understand how his rhetorical gunfire affects the one in the trench next to him.  In other words, this is why I’d say “how dare you…” to my ally Mr. Kemper. Continue Reading>>>

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