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Friday, February 28, 2014

Competent to Counsel: An Interview with Jay Adams

Tabletalk: Over the course of your life, what have you found to be your most significant ministry focus? Why?
Jay Adams: As I look back on sixty-plus years of ministry, I suspect that the ministry focus on exegesis has more than anything else been the most significant one. It was my interest from my seminary and college years and has been ever since. That’s why I majored in Greek. I have wanted to know for myself what God’s Word teaches, not what someone else says about it.

Secondarily, I would mention the importance of sound systematic theology. A combination of these two disciplines, in particular, kept me from going off base when I began counseling and began to write about it. Few who have focused on counseling apart from such a background (and such concerns) have been able to maintain a steady, true, doctrinal foundation for doing their “biblical” counseling. This scripturally oriented basis for ministry of all forms is what has made the difference throughout the years.

TT: How did your counseling background affect your pastoral ministry?    Continue at

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