The next installment of our little TULIP series on Calvinism is the big L.
This is the boogieman doctrine of Limited Atonement. What is
the debate? The issues is usually phrased this way: “For whom did
Christ die, the whole world, or specifically for those who would
If option A, the whole world, then why are some people in Hell? if
option B, only believers, what about the verses that talk about Jesus
loving the world? You can see what even some Calvinists disavow this
letter, leaving them as diminutive “four-pointers” whose gardens bloom
with tu_ips.
Put another way, “Did Jesus die to potentially save everyone or did he die to actually save some?”
John Calvin articulated that the Bible teaches clearly that Christ’s
death effectually accomplishes salvation for those he chose to save. His
sparring partner Jacobus Arminius said Christ’s death potentially
provides salvation for everyone, but not effectually for anyone. If you
were to illustrate this on a napkin for someone you might try this… Continue at Clint Archer
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