As I recently read through Crossway’s collection of the Letters of Francis Schaeffer, I
was struck by how applicable Schaeffer’s insights are today,
particularly in regard to evangelical movements, leaders, and doctrine.
His counsel deserves to be heeded by those of us in the
“gospel-centered” stream of evangelicalism.
With this in mind, I have selected some favorite excerpts from these
letters and woven them together creatively. Using Schaeffer’s own words,
I am imagining out loud what counsel he might give us today.
What Francis Schaeffer Might Say to the Gospel-Centered Movement Today
1. Make sure your loyalty to Christ supersedes any loyalty you have for the “movement.”
[Brothers and sisters,] I see the need for Christians across the face
of the earth who are indeed brothers in Christ, standing on the
fundamentals of the faith and separated from unbelief, to come into
personal fellowship one with the other to the praise of our Lord. And
yet how quickly such a thing can grow into that which is merely cold,
formal, and dead. The cry of my heart is that God may have mercy on us.
I increasingly see the dangers involved in organization, and I do
think that most of us get the cart before the horse. That is, we
organize first and then go forward, rather than growing close to one
another through spiritual and personal contacts and then letting
whatever organization grow naturally out of that-as the tree puts forth
the leaf and then the bud and then the flower as the Lord leads. Keep Reading >>>
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