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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Book Review: Overcoming Sin and Temptation

I had previously read the Banner of Truth edition's The Mortification of Sin; this current edition is not abridged which is a plus for me. Furthermore, this volume is far more handsome. One of my favorite features is the facsimile of the books' covers.

Without further ado.

John Owen is a man God greatly used and one of my favorite Puritans. Owen starts off by answering the question Why this topic? "This was seconded by an observation of some men’s dangerous mistakes, who of late days have taken upon them to give directions for the mortification of sin, who, being unacquainted with the mystery of the gospel and the efficacy of the death of Christ, have anew imposed the yoke of a self wrought-out mortification on the necks of their disciples, which neither they nor their forefathers were ever able to bear [cf. Acts 15:10]." (41).

John Owen provides some Proverbs-like wisdom through out the book. . . here are my favorite two:
  1. "Always be killing sin or it will be killing you."
  2. "[B]y the omission of this duty grace withers, lust flourishes, and the frame of the heart grows worse and worse; and the Lord knows what desperate and fearful issues it has had with many."
Further on in the book, Owen defines what mortification is not (chapter 5) and is (chapter 6).  Read On...

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