Dear Reader
: The subject of “God’s Sovereignty” is a matter concerning
which we should humble ourselves. It is a profound, deep and
humbling truth. No doctrine exalts or magnifies God and the
finished work of Christ as that of “God’s Sovereignty”. And
why, may we ask, should it not be reasonable to believe that
God “worketh ALL things after the Counsel of HIS OWN will”
(Eph. 1:11) and not after the will of His creatures?
The only reason anyone believes in the absolute universal
sovereignty of God is because it is revealed in the Bible. No
other book in the world discloses this unqualified truth. Why
this should be so is simple. The Book called the Bible is
distinctly and exclusively the Word and Work of God. All other
books are more or less the words and works of men. And further:
the cause of anyone’s faith in the unmodified “sovereignty of
God” as revealed in the Bible is that it is DIVINELY GIVEN
unto them to believe it. That is, the gracious sovereignty
of God makes them able and willing to believe it (John 3:27).
In view of the reality that this truth is most distinctly
and most certainly set forth throughout the Bible: the fact
that men, religious or irreligious, oppose and seek to distort
it to suit their feelings and fancies, is one of the best
testimonies to the truth of this doctrine, though they mean it
not so. This glorious “sovereignty of God” which they so spleen
against has not as yet condescended to give them that grace
which is needed to humble their pride and make them willing and
able to heartily believe “that which is written”. As the
Scripture declares, “Thy people shall be willing in the day
of Thy power” (Psa. 110:3).
And now, dear reader, may you prayerfully and carefully read
and study the following scriptures, and consider their
meanings, for they are the Word of God. Keep Reading >>>
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