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Monday, November 21, 2011

Biblical Eldership

I learned many things while at the Proclamation Trust last week but two stand out as particularly important.  First, there is nothing like talking to Paul Levy about Welsh mysticism, putting it to the sword and seeing his agony of soul as he watches, in his own words, his `theology turning into dust and blowing away' before his eyes, even as he tried desperately to defend it.  He left the conference a better, wiser, humbler soul.

The second was how important elders are.  Talking to friends ministering in Anglican contexts, I became aware of how lonely it can be without a group of good, supportive men who share the same vision for the church and for Christian nurture and work closely with the local pastor in the local church.  This is vital if the minister is to avoid discouragement and also to check false teaching and bring the congregation to spiritual maturity.   I am grateful for the men with whom I serve on session.  We may not always agree about every jot and tittle; but we share the same commitment to the church and take care of each other even as we take care of the church.

Greg Beale has a fascinating section on elders in his new A New Testament Biblical Theology, pp. 819-23.  Here he underscores the importance of the office for protecting the church from false teachers, especially those who arise within her ranks.  It is this internal struggle which is part, a significant part, of the tribulation of the church since the inauguration of the last days.  This is one reason why elders are necessary: they are the bodyguards of the flock; and the flock more often than not needs to be protected from the wolves in sheep's clothing who have sneaked in under the fence.   Keep Reading >>>

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