Predictably, Mormonism is in the news again. The presence of two
members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints among
contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination ensured that
it was only a matter of time before Evangelicals, along with other
Americans, began to talk openly about what this means for the nation,
the church, and the stewardship of political responsibility in the
voting booth.
There are numerous ways to frame these questions wrongly. Our
responsibility as evangelical Christians is to think seriously and
biblically about these issues. The first temptation is to reduce all of
these issues to one question. We must address the question of Mormonism
as a worldview and judge it by the Bible and historic Christian
doctrine. But this does not automatically determine the second question —
asking how Mormon identity should inform our political decisions.
Nevertheless, for evangelical Christians, our concern must start with
theology. Is Mormonism just a distinctive denomination of Christianity? Keep Reading>>>
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