The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Biblical Guide to Rating Your Marriage

This test is designed to evaluate how you are doing in your marriage relationship and to spot problem areas so that you may work on correcting them. The test will be most beneficial if you and your spouse both take it and then sit down and discuss your respective answers to each question. Seek to understand clearly the other person’s reasons for answering each question as he/she did. If your answers pinpoint some difficulties, focus on how you could resolve the problem. Don’t just attack or blame the other person. Remember, God does have a solution to every problem if you will handle your problems and seek to solve them in a biblical way.

Rating Scale: never = 0; seldom = 1; sometimes = 2; frequently = 3; always = 4. Write the number that describes what you judge to be true of your marriage on the blank following each question.

1.  Does the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord manifest itself in practical ways in your marriage?

2.  Do you use the Bible to determine your convictions, decisions and practices in life in general and marriage in particular?

3.  Do you and y our spouse study the Bible, pray, worship God, and seek to serve God together?

4.  Do you and your spouse seek to please one another?

5.  Do you ask for forgiveness when you have done something wrong?

Read the rest of the test questions HERE

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