Of late, there has been considerable discussion concerning transforming culture, world and life views, and the like by the neo-Calvinists/New Calvinists but what does that really mean when it comes down to it? What does one mean when they discuss transformation of society?
In the not so distant past, Judeo-Christian values (whatever they may be) held much sway in the West, especially in America. The Victorian ideals were decidedly a pan-Protestant view of culture and society holding to a general Protestant ethic. When this ethic was attacked or wavered from, the pastors and politicians raised the alarm. Cults and heretical bodies that try to spring up are allowed, but when the Mormons try to institute polygamy, the people are outraged and call for justice to be imposed (c.f. Paul Johnson’ A History of Christianity). While there is a general ethos of political civility when this ethic is adhered to, one cannot say the same when it comes to which actual doctrinal position will be followed by the general people. The ethic becomes the religion and the sincerity behind it (no matter the doctrine) becomes the litmus test, not only in civil courts but in ecclesiastical one’s as well. Continue Reading>>>
Scriptures teach consistently that faith comes through the proclamation of the gospel, not through good works. Christ himself was not arrested and arraigned because he was trying to restore family values or feed the poor...The mounting ire of the religious leaders toward Jesus coalesced around him making himself equal with God and forgiving sins in his own person, directly, over against the temple and its sacrificial system. Michael Horton
The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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