The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Growing in Humility and Grace in 2011

How do we identify if we are humble people? What are some characteristics of humility that can serve to aid us in our growth and seeking after Christ?
A humble person never forgets God’s saving grace.

A humble person is focused on Christ alone for his righteous standing before God.

A humble person never thinks any good work for Christ is too menial, and beneath them.

A humble heart is eager to serve in light of God’s grace. A humble heart will submit to every truth of God that is made known to it. Three things incline a humble heart to God’s service: 
1) Divine love to them in Jesus; 
2) Divine presence with them; and 
3) Divine Glory as their chief end.

A humble soul is always dependent upon Jesus and His grace.

A humble heart is heavenly-minded.

Would you characterize yourself as a humble person by God's grace? Seek Christ.

We have been taught a few of the attributes of a truly humble person, soul, and heart.

How does a humble person grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus?

Meditate upon God’s goodness and grace to you in Jesus.


Meditate upon the cross and the exaltation of Jesus.

Meditate on your own sinful heart and propensity to evil.

Don’t think too highly of your works for God.

Acknowledge your indebtedness to God in prosperity and adversity.

We are always recipients of God’s grace and gifts.


Let both your head and your heart love God.
Be a conqueror of pride and other sins in Jesus alone. Read the whole article HERE

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