The final installment of the Harry Potter series opened nationwide on Friday, 11/19/10, with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This has been one of the most highly anticipated movie openings in cinema history, with many theaters playing the movie on multiple screens and adding midnight showings.
Christians, too, have been caught up in reading the Harry Potter books and watching the movies:
"I have read and fallen in love with these books. There is no element of witchcraft to be found in them."
"This is an area of liberty for me."
"I've read the books and there is no withcraft."
"It's all in good fun. This is all fantasy and the magic has no basis in reality. But the movies are exciting and fun to watch."
Now, speaking as someone who has done Wicca/witchcraft before, I can attest that the Harry Potter books DO contain actual spells and witchcraft. But don't just take it from me that the Harry Potter books contain actual witchcraft: Continue Reading>>>
Scriptures teach consistently that faith comes through the proclamation of the gospel, not through good works. Christ himself was not arrested and arraigned because he was trying to restore family values or feed the poor...The mounting ire of the religious leaders toward Jesus coalesced around him making himself equal with God and forgiving sins in his own person, directly, over against the temple and its sacrificial system. Michael Horton
The purpose of this Blog is to introduce men and women all over the World to the Doctrines of Grace; the 5 Solas; Reformation Theology and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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