The question, “What is sin?” is raised in the Westminster Shorter
Catechism. The answer provided to this catechetical question is simply
this: “Sin is any want of conformity to or transgression of the law
of God.”
Let us examine some of the elements of this catechetical response. In
the first instance, sin is identified as some kind of want or lack. In
the middle ages, Christian theologians tried to define evil or sin in
terms of privation (privatio) or negation (negatio).
In these terms, evil or sin was defined by its lack of conformity to
goodness. The negative terminology associated with sin may be seen in
biblical words such as disobedience, godlessness, or immorality.
In all of these terms, we see the negative being stressed. Further
illustrations would include words such as dishonor, antichrist,
and others.
However, to gain a complete view of sin, we have to see that it
involves more than a negation of the good, or more than a simple lack of
virtue. We may be inclined to think that sin, if defined exclusively in
negative terms, is merely an illusion. But the ravages of sin point
dramatically to the reality of its power, which reality can never be
explained away by appeals to illusion. The reformers added to the idea
of privatio the notion of actuality or activity, so that evil is
therefore seen in the phrase, “privatio actuosa.” This stresses
the active character of sin. In the catechism, sin is defined not only
as a want of conformity but an act of transgression, an action that
involves an overstepping or violation of a standard. Continue at R. C. Sproul
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