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Friday, August 9, 2013

“Found Out” by the Huffington Post!

Well, I have a confession to make to you. The large liberal news and commentary website Huffington Post, through its clever investigative efforts, has discovered something startling about me. Now, because HuffPost has made this matter public, I have no option: I have to make a public admission.

Under the headline “Dinosaurs Were On Noah’s Ark, According To Creation Museum’s New Radio Ad,” HuffPost dropped this bombshell:
No dinosaurs described in the Bible? No problem, according to creationism proponent Ken Ham, who recently argued that despite popular opinion, dinosaurs and Biblical characters did co-exist—in fact, they traveled together on Noah’s Ark.
Ham, the president/CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis-U.S. and the Creation Museum, made the unconventional claims during a new 60-second radio ad for the museum released this week.
Well, they found me out. I confess! Yes, I admit I believe dinosaurs and people lived at the same time. Furthermore, I do believe two of each kind of dinosaur (roughly at the family level of classification) were on board Noah’s Ark.   Continue at Ken Ham

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