John Otis, pastor of an RPCUS church in Burlington, North Carolina,
has written a book on theistic evolution, Theistic Evolution: A Sinful
Compromise, based on a series of lectures. His purpose in writing the
book was to alert believers, and especially elders, to the danger that
theistic evolution (TE) poses to the church:
A word of exhortation is needed to my
fellow ruling and teaching elders:
What is one of our foremost duties as
elders? It is to protect God’s precious sheep from the wolves in
sheep’s clothing that will devour the flock if they could. … Do I lump
all those together as wolves who are not advocating a view of creation
as presented in our Confessional Standards? Not exactly, some are far
worse than others. … Those that I am really addressing are those who do
advocate an evolutionary view, who do believe that man did evolve from
lower forms of life, who do teach that God used this means to “create.”
These men are the ones who must be silenced; they are disturbing
families. In obeying Jude 3, we elders must earnestly contend for the
Faith once for all delivered to the saints. This is my purpose (5-6).
Pastor Otis begins his book by considering what Scripture teaches
regarding creation, creation days, and the chronologies. From there he
moves on to a history of Darwin and evolutionary thought. Lastly, he
spends several chapters on what he calls “Compromisers.” He takes time
throughout those chapters to address specific concerns about the
teachings of specific organizations and individuals. Continue at Rachel Miller
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