As a follow up on our brief series on typology (part 1, part 2, part 3),
I wanted to share a favorite passage from Charles Spurgeon, who
addresses here the seemingly impossible complexity of “anticipations”
that are perfectly and wonderfully realized in the person and work of
Christ. His text is John 19:30, which relate our Lord’s dying words from
the cross: “It is finished.” At this point in the sermon Spurgeon is
surveying the many types and shadows that were brought to realization in
our Jesus’ death. Enjoy!
This leads us to see his meaning very clearly, that all
the Scripture was now fulfilled, that when he said, “It is finished,”
the whole book, from the first to the last, in both the law and the
prophets, was finished in him. There is not a single jewel of promise,
from that first emerald which fell on the threshold of Eden, to that
last sapphire-stone of Malachi, which was not set in the breast-plate of
the true High Priest. Nay, there is not a type, from the red heifer
downward to the turtle-dove, from the hyssop upwards to Solomon’s temple
itself, which was not fulfilled in him; and not a prophecy, whether
spoken on Chebar’s bank, or on the shores of Jordan, not a dream of wise
men, whether they had received it in Babylon, or in Samaria, or in
Judea, which was not now fully wrought out in Christ Jesus. And,
brethren, what a wonderful thing it is, that a mass of promises, and
prophecies, and types, apparently so heterogeneous, should all be
accomplished in one person! Continue at Fred Zaspel
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