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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

9 Struggles of Being a Pastor’s Wife that Every Pastor Must Know

 Ministry is a way of life that requires us to constantly pour ourselves out for others, giving sacrificially of our time, resources, and emotions. It is a life that demands selflessness as we serve others. And if we are not careful it can leave us empty, discouraged and broken. ~Cara Croft (68)
We pastors would be wise to read that last line again. They are wise words given to us by Cara Croft, co-author along with her husband Pastor Brian of the important new book The Pastor’s Family: Shepherding Your Family Through the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry (you can pre-order the book HERE). It is the field manual we’ve been waiting for to help us shepherd our family with the same care and gusto as shepherding our churches.

Thabiti and Kristie Anyabwile say that ”Pastors and their families need a book like this…that speaks to the various demands and expectations they face and provides gospel-centered, family-focused guidance.” And smack-dab in the middle is an entire section of the demands,  expectations, and struggles your wife faces.

Do you know what your wife struggles with while being a pastor’s wife? Because if you are ignorant of the real struggles that your helpmate endures while standing alongside you in ministry, she will be left “empty, discouraged, and broken.”

I’ve let Brian do most of the talking the past two week (HERE and HERE) so I thought I’d let Cara share. Cara has helpfully identified (at least) 9 struggles, which we’d be wise to memorize and meditate upon for the sake of serving our helpmates while they faithfully serves with us in ministry.

If you’re a pastor’s wife, what are the struggles you’ve encountered while supporting and serving with your husband? Consider sharing your story in the comment section below.    Continue at Jeremy Bouma

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